I've been engrossed in the Great British Menu competition on BBC2, and I won't even get started on the phenomenon that is-love it or hate it- X Factor. You could even argue that the recent 4% increase in voters for the General Election was down to our new-found insatiable desire for voting, sharing our opinions and making ourselves heard (Facebook and Twitter tap into and feed this desire).
Those that know me will know that I pull trends out of everyday life and see patterns in behaviours all the time. It's what I do for a living and I share these insights with retailers and brands in the UK and USA, helping them develop accurate and timely insights into what the future consumer will want next.
As entrepreneurs, it's important to keep on top of these trends and monitor the general response to them, chances are you can tap into these trends and tailor them to promote your business and spread some positive viral messages.
Could you create a competition that would engage your audience?
We're certainly developing something similar here at Trend Bible, most likely we will have an awards ceremony that will celebrate up-coming new design talent in the home interior and product design fields.
1 million percent yes.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if you want to run this comp to your members.. something a little different!
ReplyDeleteExciting new competition begins at www.pendana.net
The rules: There are none.
The Objective: Promote in anyway you see fit pendana.net, pendanablog.com or nordhavn.com then simply email you entry to james@pendana.net
Prize: Free signed copy of "From Family to Crew" + a limited edition Pendana T-Shirt.
IDEAS - Write a msg on your body, sing a song, have your pet to talk and if they cant do that hang a signed around them, do a voice over, photoshop an image, hand out leaflets, take a video, write a msg in sand, on paper, on your forehead - the options are endless.
Goto http://pendana.net/competition for more information.